Krrrrrrrrreegenlil (AKA K9r2ego) and Enki are half-brothers from the Planet Niribu. They are the original Architects who seeded life into the early universe including the Earth. Upon learning that most of humanity had lost their sense of humor and their ability to differentiate fact from fiction, K9r2ego and Enki w ere asked to return by the Supreme Being to prevent the sixth and final extinction event on Planet Earth. Their mission is to bring humanity important technology, enlightenment, and a reinvigorated sense of humor.

Bringing with them superior knowledge that they will share in multiple phases, their education of humans begins with a simple cookbook based on the ancient Niribu ritual called "Nomomofo". On their planet politicians who are corrupt and self-serving are cooked in delicious of recipes and served to the reptile electorate. This delightful and easy to understand cookbook will ensure that Earth’s Politicians will diligently and selflessly discharge their duties of office without corruption, compromise, or loss of integrity.

Krrrrrrrrreegenlil Nala-Aramac (Pictured Left) Is Architect 1, from the Planet Nibiru in the Kryptomonium Galaxy. He has just celebrated his 1 billionth birthday. He enjoys walks on the beach, laying on warm rocks, sketching still lifes, and shapeshifting. His has the ability to predict the future and read the minds of simple beings. He is also a fervent connoisseur of fine dining and has written the best Seller,“The Cloaca Cookbook: Poached Eggs with Wry Toast”. His mission is to promote life, diversity, and to populate planets.

Enki Ekim-Grebletie,(pictured right) AKA Architect2, is 933 million years of age and Krrrrrrrrreegenlil’s younger half-brother. Enki loves processing emotions,warm hugs, and intergalactic mating. He has written many tender songs about the magical energy of the hemipenes. For relaxation he enjoys nude sunbathing on volcanic cliffs. He would like to thank his Mother for hatching him 933 million years ago.

Team Members


Architect 1


Architect 2 and pronoun hugger

Baba Vanga


Spirit of Sojourner

BS Monitor

Ghost of GW

Courage in the face of Tyranny

Cronkite Spector

And that's the way it is.

Staff Dung Beetle

B.S. Inspector

Dean Swift

Dr. of Satire