Non-Fungible Truth

Beware the truth you seek may be their undoing!

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Save the Planet!
Eat a Politician

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Our Mission

Far from Earth is the Kryptomonium Galaxy which is home to the planet Nibiru and the Anunnakis who reside there. Ancient civilizations of Earth have documented the visits of the Anunnakis: giant, powerful lizard beingswho are extremely intelligent, talented, and prolific.
The Sumerians, Egyptians, and Mayans all wrote about these extra-terrestrial visitors with stories that were not entirely accurate as they were handed down from one generation to another. But the one thing that is true in all of the stories is that the Anunnakis from the Kryptomium Galaxy visited Earth. And
now two of the Anunnaki elders, Krrrrrrrrreegenlil and his half-brother Enki have returned to Earth to save the planet from it’s 6th extinction event, the anthropocene.

Their mission is to bring humanity important technology, enlightenment, and a reinvigorated sense of humor. Bringing with them superior knowledge that they will share in multiple phases, their guidance of humans begins with a simple cookbook based on the ancient ritual, Nomomofo, from Nibiru where politicians
who are corrupt and self-serving are cooked in delicious recipes and served to the reptilian electorate. The political leaders of the United States are corrupt, responsible for the divisiveness, and leading its citizens to incrementally ruin the noble concept of democracy (invented by the Anunnakis 897 million
years ago). Tolerance for a different point of view has been replaced with tribalized politics. It has gotten to the point where people can’t differentiate between truth and fiction. That is the beginning of the end for a society. The Anunnaki brothers have authored the “Save the Country ! Eat a politician” Bill and put together this wonderful cookbook as a modest proposed solution to cure the ills of a formerly great nation. They have
returned because they seeded the planet, created humanity, and love each and every one of their beautiful human progeny.

Anunnaki Brothers
School of Truth

Join the Movement

“Save the Country! Eat a Politician Bill.” 

We urge you to contact your Representatives in the US Congressand the Senate to submit the “Save the Country! Eat a Politician Bill”.

Politicians are public servants who mostly serve themselves. The “Save the Country! Eat a Politician” Bill establishes the much-needed legislation to mandate that Politicians truly Serve their Constituents whether through true and honest work or by taking definitive deflationary action and donating their corpulent flesh to the needy citizens of the UnitedStates of America.  

Help us get the necessary support to submit this Bill to Congress!

Contact your Congressional representative:

You need to get the attention of your legislator for the “Save the Country! Eat aPolitician” Bill to get to Congress. The first step is to reach out to your Representative or Senator to discuss the issue.  

You can find contact information for all federal elected representatives at the government site

Contact your Congressional Representatives to champion the "Save the Country! Eat a Politician." Bill

Hey Pronouns!

Bet you would like to read the suggested Bill “Save the Country! Eat a Politician Bill.”

For Submissionto the: 117th United StatesCongressSecond Session.

‍A Bill For An Act Entitled: Save the Country. Eat a Politician Bill

‍Date of Submission:10/01/2022

‍Congressional/Senate Proposal